Memory Chips / CD Disintegrator Machine
High Security level requirement for the data destruction and receycling by Gator disintegrator, The hardened, solid steel cutting cylinders have been sepcifically designed to shred memory chips and CDs, it is also is capable of destorying the small microchips found within credit cards and ID badges.
Instead of on paper, many of us store our most sensitive data on CDs or DVDs. Not to mention the personal information on our credit cards. But even CDs, DVDs, and credit cards sometimes need to be destoryed.
Today's best CD shredders make destorying your old CDs, DVDs, and credit cards easy, Of course, with the extra shredding power under the hood, they also do a fantastic job of shredding your sensitive papers and documents. Like a paper shredder, a CD shredder is extramely easy to use. Simply turn the power on and guide the CD into the machine.
*Shred the Chips,CD ,Memory Card etc.
*The higher the security requirements for the data destruction
*The smaller the particles the material ust be shredded into
*Top security
*Commercial cross-cut shredder is designed for busy professionals.
*Automatically stops and starts for convenience.

Technical Data

In order to completely destroy the memory chips in solid state media, it is critical to reduce particles to the smallest size possible.
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